Friday, February 8, 2013

Blog Stage 2: Rejection of Gun Laws

As many as fifteen states, from South Carolina to North Dakota, have rejected the new US gun laws, introducing bills that would nullify the new gun policy. Much criticism and rejection stem from the fact that these new gun laws are viewed as unconstitutional and according to Casey Guernsey, who is state representative for Missouri, state that “We aren't here to do the bidding of the federal government,” and that “Whenever they go out of bounds, it’s our responsibility to step up.” 

In Wyoming, who has some of the least restrictive gun control in the nation, claims that any gun law that restricts ammunition clip sizes and outlaws semi-automatic weapons is unenforceable and that federal agents who attempt to enforce the new gun laws will succumb to the Firearm Protection Act. This act defends Wyoming residents from the new gun laws and prosecutes any federal agent that attempts to enforce them, which can leave them with five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. 

Many states challenge and nullify the new gun laws. This article touches on an important issue facing America, especially since the recent Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. Should Washington outlaw semi-automatics and limit clip sizes? Many believe that it is not within our government's power to do so, but many support Washington's decision. 

To read the article, click the link below: 

Some States Push Measures to Repel New U.S. Gun Laws

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