Looking at which fuel is more efficient, one would side with coal and oil simply because it currently produces the most energy, but that is in part because of a gross dependence on fossil fuels and because solar technology is currently more expensive. But what is more important, cheap fuel or safe, renewable fuel? The answer is clear and obvious; renewable energy systems like solar and wind. What is our government doing to further these renewable energy technologies? Luckily, they are funding R&D programs that are working to make solar and wind energy technology more cost efficient, as well as more energy efficient. The benefits of renewable energy simply outweigh the benefit of fossil fuels. They will create more jobs and help stimulate the economy. They will lead to cleaner air, as well as reduced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide that are helping to warm the Earth. Currently, President Obama has requested a "$28.4 billion Fiscal Year 2014 budget for the Energy Department, including $2.78 billion for the Energy Department's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)," stated on U.S. Department of Energy's "Sunshot Initiative."
I support this request, and believe that it is wholly necessary in order to ensure a cleaner future for America. If we take a step back and look at how we consume fossil fuels, we should realize that our dependence on them is too great and dangerous. The time to transition to cleaner sources is now, and this budget for the Energy Department is helping to make that happen. We need to lessen our dependence on oil and coal, and use what is available every day; the Sun's light, the constant winds of the Earth, and the power of water and other clean sources. I believe that we have outgrown fossil fuels. They won't last forever, so advancing technology to fit our future needs today is simply the smartest thing we could do, and to not do so is reckless.
United States Energy Information Administration
United States Department of Energy
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